Welcome to Rotary Club Sahakarnagar!

President’s Message

This year Rotary theme is “Magic of Rotary”.
My Dear Esteemed Rotarians,

I am humbled and honored to represent you all as the President of our Club- Rotary Bangalore Sahakaranagar. It is a great honor and privilege bestowed upon me to serve the society with all your help. Thanks to all our previous presidents, office bearers and beloved members, who have toiled to bring the club to the current successful status. We would not have travelled to this stage without their dedication, commitment and hard work. It is indeed a great responsibility to take the club to next level in our contribution to the society. Sahakaranagar is a vibrant locality in a well-known city of Bangalore in a dynamic country – India. It has a strong socio-economic culture with rich traditions of “Work Together, to live Together”. This is the fundamentals of residents of Sahakaranagar, and it is very apt with “Rotary” I would like to share the famous quote of Rotary “Our success or failure will not depend upon the machinery of Rotary or its physical growth, but upon the extent to which Rotary's ideals or objectives are translated into positive, tangible results in personal, business, community, and international life. We shall be known by our works." Almon E. Roth. -1930. Looking for exciting period 2024-25

With Kind regards
Rtn. J. Munirathnam
President 2024-25
Rotary Bangalore Sahakaranagar

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Club President, Secretary, and Treasurer

Every Rotary Club has these 3 important and key roles.

President President lead and motivate the club, ensuring that club members feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.

Secretary Secretary play a very important role and key role in the club to ensure the club run smoothly and effectively. You also monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this information with club and district leaders.

Treasurer Treasurer play an important role in your club’s ability to carry out service projects, fundraise, and support The Rotary Foundation.



“As president, I lead and motivate my club, ensuring that club members feel valuable, inspired, and connected to each other.”



“As club secretary I help my club run smoothly and effectively. I also monitor club trends to help identify strengths and areas for improvement, and share this information with club and district leaders.”



“As club treasurer I play an important role in my club’s ability to carry out service projects, fundraise, and support The Rotary Foundation.”